
Dror Varsano is a partner in the firm’s Litigation Department, specializing in complex civil and commercial litigation, and class action suits. He represents multinational enterprises, including in substantial tax appeals, petitions relating to large-scale public tenders, and distributorship disputes.

Dror also represents high-profile companies, both Israeli and foreign, in various sectors – including telecommunications and broadcasting entities and companies in the food, fashion and software industries – in numerous venues, including before the Supreme Court, in district courts and before arbitration panels.

Dror received his LL.B. from Tel Aviv University in 1996, where he was a member of the University’s Law Review, Iyunei Mishpat. He was admitted to the Israel Bar in 2001, and received his M.A., magna cum laude, in 2017 from the Evens Program in Mediation and Conflict Management at Tel Aviv University.

Prior to joining Arnon, Tadmor-Levy, Dror was a partner in another law firm. He then headed his own firm, before joining the firm as a partner in 2012.


  • Represented Siemens in an administrative appeal dealing with a multi-billion-dollar public tender published by Israel Railways.
  • Represented Cellcom, one of Israel’s largest cellular companies, in dozens of class action suits.
  • Represented Shapir Civil and Marine Engineering, one of Israel’s largest infrastructure companies, in many civil actions and class actions.
  • Represented multinational giants in tax appeals related to transfer pricing disputes with the Israel Tax Authority.
  • Advises international clients with regard to disputes with local distributors.


Dispute Resolution: Local Litigation and Arbitration
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Recommended Lawyer - Dispute Resolution: Local Litigation And Arbitration


‘Dror Varsano has the ability to learn new and complicated cases in new fields quickly and to bring a lot of value. I have worked with him on a couple of tax litigation cases and he was creative, sharp and to the point.’

2017 Tel Aviv University | MA (magna cum laude)
1996 Tel Aviv University | LLB
2001 Israel
Dror Versano

Dror Varsano

132 Begin Road, Azrieli Center, Tel Aviv 6702101, Israel
Dror Versano