
With approximately 420 lawyers and interns, including 140 partners, the law firm of Arnon, Tadmor-Levy is a leader in its areas of practice. The firm offers diverse legal services and a proven track record of success to its clients, which include many of Israel’s largest companies, government and public entities, premier investment funds, and leading multinational corporations.

Arnon, Tadmor-Levy dominates the Israeli legal scene across many fields. Leading practices include mergers and acquisitions; hi-tech; litigation; real estate, planning and construction; banking and payment systems; competition; project finance and energy; environment; capital markets; regulatory and administrative law; direct, indirect, real estate and municipal taxation; labor and employee matters; healthcare; municipal law; insolvency proceedings and reorganization; communications and media; transportation; aviation; tender and public procurement; and commercial law.

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We foster a unique multidisciplinary culture that includes two activity centers, in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem (our law offices are Jerusalem’s largest), as well as dedicated practices focused on the United States, Europe and Asia. Our renowned international practice has decades of experience, representing leading international clients in Israel and a wide array of Israeli clients abroad, as well as financial and strategic investment in Israeli companies and major cross-border M&A transactions.

Our firm benefits from an unusually large number of partners who uphold leading practices in their respective fields of expertise. We are proud of our uncompromising levels of professionalism, legal expertise, innovative vision, integrity and legal ethics, which have characterized our firm over the course of decades. We are proud of our outstanding lawyers and note those who have recently been appointed to two of Israel’s top legal positions – the Attorney General and the Supreme Court.




Arnon, Tadmor-Levy integrates top-tier expertise, creativity and an unmatched level of service, with fairness, a collegial approach, and uncompromising professional conduct. The firm’s departments, as well as many of its partners and lawyers, rank highly by international and Israeli legal directories, Including Chambers and Partners, The Legal500, Global Competition Review (GCR), IFLR1000, Who’s Who Legal (WWL), Duns100, BDiCode and many more.


1928 - 2014


Yigal Arnon is the esteemed founder of law firm, Yigal Arnon & Co.

Born in Tel Aviv in 1929, Yigal Arnon’s childhood dreams of being a modern-day Robin Hood transformed into a lifelong ambition to aid and serve, through the legal profession. Envisioning the courtroom as a noble arena, Yigal pursued his dream, completing his law studies at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Before establishing his own firm, he served in the military, demonstrating courage and resilience in battles to protect Jerusalem.

Yigal began his legal career at Schwartz, Caspi, Spear and Toussia-Cohen in Jerusalem, where he gained valuable experience over four years. In 1957, he co-founded a law firm with John Nathan, later becoming a solo practitioner. Yigal specialized in commercial law, excelling in real estate matters, litigation, and negotiations.

In 1970, the firm expanded, opening offices in Tel Aviv’s Kikar Atarim. Throughout his career, Yigal achieved numerous milestones, including the establishment of pro bono activities for the Israel Bar Association, chairing the Jerusalem District of the Israel Bar Association, leading the First International Bank, and teaching Professional Ethics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

Yigal’s legacy is marked by legal expertise, business acumen, integrity, and generosity. His example continues to inspire Arnon, Tadmor-Levy and, as his successors, we strive to embody these qualities in our work.

Throughout Yigal’s illustrious career, he achieved a myriad of significant milestones, underscoring his impactful contributions to the legal and business realms. Among the notable highlights are:

  • Establishment of pro bono activity: Yigal played a pivotal role in founding the pro bono activity of the Israel Bar Association, showcasing his commitment to providing legal assistance to those in need.
  • Chairmanship of the Jerusalem District of the Israel Bar Association: Yigal’s leadership extended to the wider legal community, where he served as Chairman of the Jerusalem District of the Israel Bar Association for two terms, leaving a lasting imprint on the legal landscape.
  • Chairmanship of the First International Bank: Yigal’s influence reached the financial sector, where he assumed the role of Chairman at the First International Bank, demonstrating his versatility and leadership capabilities.
  • Educator at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem: Yigal imparted his wisdom and ethics as an educator, teaching Professional Ethics at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, nurturing the next generation of legal minds.
  • Chairmanship of the Friends of the Hebrew University: Yigal’s commitment to education was further exemplified by his role as Chairman of the Friends of the Hebrew University, demonstrating his dedication to fostering academic excellence.
  • Compensation Claim Against Air France: Yigal displayed his legal prowess by handling a compensation claim against Air France on behalf of the Entebbe hostages, seeking justice for those affected by the harrowing events.
  • Representation of the Head of the Shin-Bet: Yigal fearlessly represented the head of the Shin-Bet in a petition to the Supreme Court, challenging pardons granted by the President in the complex Bus 300 affair.
  • Debt Negotiations for Koor Group: Yigal’s strategic acumen came to the fore in negotiations resulting in the write-off of $90 million of Koor Group’s debt to foreign banks. This not only facilitated the group’s financial recovery but also secured the livelihoods of thousands of employees.
  • Representation in the Bankers’ Trial: Yigal played a pivotal role in representing defendants in the well-known Bankers’ Trial, showcasing his prowess in navigating complex legal challenges.
  • Representation of notable figures: Yigal’s legal acuity made him the lawyer of choice for prominent figures, including Aryeh Deri, former Minister of the Interior, and Ehud Olmert during his tenure as Mayor of Jerusalem.


BORN 1932


Professor Yuval Levy is the esteemed founder of the law firm Prof. Yuval Levy & Co. 

A prominent figure in the Israeli legal landscape, Professor Yuval Levy was born in Tel Aviv in 1932 and his childhood was spent in Jerusalem during the Mandate period. From a young age, he was politically involved in circles close to the Etzel underground, an involvement that led his father to send him, at the age of 14, to the Jewish Boys’ College boarding school, in Wokingham, England. Having completed high school in England, on his return to Israel he enlisted in the newly-formed army of the young State. He then completed an academic track in law and political science at the Hebrew University with distinction, and interned under his mentor, Supreme Court Justice Shimon Agranat.

In 1955, during his military service, Levy joined the Military Prosecution and served as a military prosecutor under the Northern Command. One of the first cases he handled was the demotion of Meir Moses, an IDF soldier who was taken captive by Syria. Years later, Professor Levy took the stand in favor of Moses, and worked to secure a pardon for him. A pardon was eventually granted by the President of the State, 49 years after the original judgment, and Moses’ rank was restored.

In his roles in the Military Prosecution and IDF reserves, Professor Levy served as the chief military prosecutor for the Navy and the Air Force. He also served as the legal advisor to the military government in Sinai during the Kadesh Operation and the Six-Day War. Later, he served as a military judge and represented IDF personnel before various inquiry committees. After the Yom Kippur War, he represented Major General Shmuel Gonen (Gorodish) before the Agranat Committee. In 1982, following the Sabra and Shatila massacre, he represented the head of Military Intelligence, Major General Yehoshua Saguy, before the Kahan Commission. In 1987, he represented the head of the Investigations Division in the ISA (Israeli Security Agency) before the Landau Commission.

Upon completing his military service, Yuval Levy went on to pursue his postgraduate studies at Yale University in the United States. He earned a second master’s degree and a doctorate in law. His doctoral thesis was original and innovative, focusing on space law. When he returned to Israel in 1960, he joined the Faculty of Law at the University of Tel Aviv as a lecturer. From 1982, he served as a professor at the Faculty of Law and continued teaching until 2002, when he retired, though he continued to teach as a Professor Emeritus. Professor Levy loved teaching law, and his course on criminal law and his publications on the subject are considered foundational in the training of many legal professionals in Israel.

Simultaneously, Professor Levy earned praise and recognition for his professional abilities and successes. Due to his accomplishments, the then Minister of Justice, David Libai, offered him the position of Legal Advisor to the Government.

In 1973, Professor Levy established a successful law firm, representing clients from Israel and around the world in a wide range of legal matters and businesses. Among his main clients were Israel Chemicals Ltd. and its subsidiaries (including Rotem Amfert Negev Ltd.), Bank Leumi, K.A.L., Leumi Card, Schindler Elevators, Xerox, Lockheed Martin, Clal Group, Iscar Metals, Union Bank, and international pharmaceutical companies, among many others.

In 2009, Professor Levy received the Distinguished Professional Award from the Israel Bar Association.

His former student and longtime colleague, Supreme Court Justice Yechiel Kasher, aptly said the following about Professor Levy: “Professor Levy, in the decades he spent in litigation, was undoubtedly one of the leading litigators in Israel. He combined a phenomenal ability to present factual narratives in rich language that is neither condescending nor offensive, infused with subtle humor and British understatement. Time and time again, he would dedicate all that was required to appear in court with a full command of the facts in all their details and their legal implications – after delving into the existing law with creativity, he would soar above with arguments that deviate from existing law, but are necessary to successfully represent his client. Even in sharp legal confrontations, he was never disrespectful, never offensive, and maintained exemplary collegiality. He is an example and role model for many of his students and those fortunate to work alongside him.”

Throughout his career, Professor Levy served in several additional public roles, including director at Bank Barclays Discount, member of various university committees, and a member of public and government committees established to advise on legal matters related to the supervision of public companies. He was also a member of the quasi-judicial Appeals Tribunal at the Israel Bar Association.

Professor Levy’s son, Opher, is currently one of the managing partners at the law firm Arnon, Tadmor-Levy. His grandson, Oded, is a partner in the firm’s mergers and acquisitions department.