Webinar: Providers of Tech Services to Financial Institutions – How EU DORA regulation may affect you

September 17, 2024

Arnon, Tadmor-Levy, GC’s for GC’s community, and the German law firm YPOG are pleased to invite you to an informative online event discussing key aspects of the upcoming DORA regulation and its implications.

The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) is a European regulation that enters into effect on 17.1.2025 and aims to ensure financial institutions’ resilience and continuous operation within the EU. It introduces obligations and standards concerning ICT (Information and Communication Technology) systems and services, affecting both financial entities implementing ICT systems and providers of such systems or services. It applies to financial entities and ICT service providers operating within the EU, regardless of whether they are based inside or outside the European Union.

Webinar Topics:

  •  Which entities are affected by DORA?
  •  What constitutes an “ICT Service” covered by the regulation DORA? 
  • Which ICT services are considered “critical”?
  • What are the obligations of ICT service providers?
  • What are the sanctions for non-compliance with DORA?
  • How should ICT service providers prepare for DORA’s implementation?


Roy Keidar, Partner, Emerging technologies and AI, Arnon, Tadmor-Levy

Moderator: Ran Yosef, Associate, emerging technologies, Arnon, Tadmor-Levy

Carola Rathke, Co-Managing Partner, Banking and Financial Services, YPOG

Lutz Schreiber, Partner, IT and Data Protection, YPOG

Sara Apenburg, Associated Partner, IT and Data Protection, YPOG

Felix Pinkepank, Associate, Banking and Financial Services, YPOG