We are proud to share that Planck Resolution Ltd., an Israeli start-up, has joined the recent wave of significant exits announced by Israeli companies, particularly in the cyber and AI sectors.
Planck, an insurance startup that develops an AI platform for collecting business data, announced its acquisition by the insurance software giant Applied Systems.
We are proud to have represented Planck since its inception, and wish to congratulate the amazing founder team: Elad Tsur, Amir Cohen and David Schapiro.
Plank was represented in the purchase transaction by attorneys Eliran Furman, Avi Anouchi and Evyatar Katz from our firm.
For the full article on the purchase of Plank, click here>>
Want to know more?
Contact usShiri Menache
Head of Marketing and Business Development

Matan Bar-Nir
Press Officer, OH! PR