
Inbar Hakimian-Nahari specializes in various aspects of corporate liquidation, receivership, restructuring, economic rehabilitation and insolvency procedures. She is an expert in complex operation and recovery processes and creditor arrangements in various sectors of the economy, formulating and implementing creative recovery solutions for corporations with significant debt, operating companies, and corporations in the capital market.

With extensive experience in accompanying companies in difficulty in Israel and abroad, actual management of insolvent companies, including in the eCommerce sector, collection and realization of assets, and stock market reorganization proceedings, Inbar is skilled in understanding and mapping the needs of the different entities and formulating complex bond arrangements. Selected by the Ministry of Justice to be a corporate trustee and operating trustee, she serves on behalf of various courts in the implementation of insolvency procedures.

As part of her expertise in the various fields of insolvency, Inbar represents various parties in the procedure, such as: creditors, including the largest Israeli banks; venture capital funds, bondholders; financial entities and various players in the Israeli economy; controlling owners and office holders of companies in difficulty; and liquidators and trustees in various sectors.

On behalf of the insolvency court, Inbar has rich experience in representing liquidators and trustees for companies in the real-estate sector as well as construction and eCommerce, with debt volumes of hundreds of millions of shekels. Certified by the Center for Mediation in Insolvency Processes, she herself is appointed as an official in various proceedings.

Inbar has handled operation and reorganization procedures for corporations in Israel and abroad, and managed complex litigation procedures, as well as drafting commercial agreements between many parties in various fields. Among other things, she advises and represents office holders in corporations in the “zone of insolvency”, as well as conducting investigations and legal proceedings against former office holders and controlling shareholders of companies that have gone insolvent.

Inbar works in close cooperation with the Corporate & Commercial and Capital Markets Departments of our firm, as well as with the Litigation Department, as she accompanies clients through insolvency aspects at various stages.

For several years in a row, Inbar has been ranked as a “Rising Star” in the field of insolvency by the IFLR guide. She has been teaching courses for undergraduate students at the College of Management Academic Studies since 2020, is a guest lecturer at universities and the Israel Bar Association, and a director of training courses in the field of insolvency.

Inbar holds a master’s degree in business law (2010) and bachelor’s degree in law and business administration (2009), both from Reichman University. She was admitted as an attorney in Israel in 2010, and joined the firm in 2019.


  • Served as a trustee on behalf of the District Court in Tel Aviv in the insolvency proceedings of TCM Group, which is engaged in eCommerce.
  • Served as a trustee on behalf of the District Court in Tel Aviv in insolvency proceedings of various corporations in the fields of restaurants, services, and property management.
  • Represented trustees on behalf of the court for Ability, Inc., Africa Israel Industries, Peckar Construction Steel, and Habas Investments (1960).
  • Represented banks and financial entities as creditors in insolvency proceedings.


Restructuring and insolvency
Restructuring and insolvency
2010 Reichman University | LL.M.
2009 Reichman University | B.A.
2009 Reichman University | LL.B.
2010 Israel
Additional roles
2023 Certified for mediation in insolvency processes - the Center for Insolvency Mediation Lecturer on company recovery and insolvency
2020 List of trustees on behalf of the Ministry of Justice for corporate insolvency procedures and operation procedures
Inbar Hakimian-Nahari

Inbar Hakimian-Nahari

132 Begin Road, Azrieli Center, Tel Aviv 6702101, Israel
Inbar Hakimian-Nahari